Some of you are still checking my blog --- bless you! Some of you are starting to make smart comments concerning my lack of updates --- bless you too!
Well, there are many reasons as to my lack of blogging - - mostly time issues. Other issues would be: spending time in remote areas of PA that have little or no web access other than dial up and the fact that I can't find my cord that connects my camera to the computer!!
Really, this has been the busiest and most stressful summer that I can recall - ever. I feel like it was May and now tomorrow is the first day of school!! I have participated/directed 4 VBS's and 2 camps and have one more week-end VBS this coming Friday-Sunday. The difficult part was the fact that out of those 7 weeks there were 4 different themes that I had to put together due to various and sundry reasons. Compound that with Kenwood Kidz, which was an altogether different theme than any of those 4!!! Trust me, my basement and dining room look as if a tornado has hit it!! Only those of you who have done children's ministry understand what 5 different themes with props, visuals, etc. can possibly mean.
School does begin tomorrow. I now have a Senior, Junior, 8th grader, and 6th grader. Where does the time go??? Wasn't it just a year ago that the boys and I started Kindergarten and Pre-school together??? (fyi - I was their teacher at GBS) David - a Senior??? I look at all the campus "kids" around here and think about when we first arrived in 1995 -- most are married, many have children!!! How can it be????
Sooooo much has happened this summer - I'd rather show you than write it.
Maybe someday if I find that cord.....
Until then my faithful friends....