Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Kenwood Kidz VBS 2009

This year we are headed to Rome to visit Paul and the Underground Church.
The kids are divided up into Roman families and visit the marketplace, Paul, the Underground Church, participate in games, enjoy Extollo and of course, munch on a snack.

Drama takes place in the marketplace... a slave is set free...

A Roman Family

My girls help put down the finishing touches on the stage.

Young men enjoying the metal working shop.

Mrs. Wingham is in charge of the toga shop.

Christi and Abbey in the carpenter shop.

Alicia and Brooke help the kids learn caligraphy in the Scribe's booth.
The kids love this - especially when they seal their "document" with wax and and a stamp.

Outside Games

Meeting secretly in the underground church.

A shop .... waiting for visitors

The underground church ... lights on...when the kids arrive it is dark and lit with "candles"...but not dark for long...little ones can only handle so much...

I love the aqueduct

Center stage...I think this is so cool looking!


Dixie said...

Wow! It looks phenomenal. In just looking at your pictures, one gets a feel for the time period. I can't imagine what it is like to actually be there. My son saw some of your pictures on facebook and said that he wished he could go to that VBS.

Jana said...

AWESOME!! What a wonderful experience those kids are getting to be a part of something like that! Amazing!!

Greg & Stephanie said...

That is incredible! Had I known something like that was going on, I would have been tempted to bring my kids down to Grandma Yount's house for the week, just so they could participate!

TKB said...

Great pics! They sure did do a great job on the sets! Check out the pics I posted on facebook of VBS sometime...

Dorcas said...

What an awesome looking VBS! Nobody knows the hours that go into something like that until you do it. Very nice!!

Anonymous said...

Love the pics of your VBS! We're right in the middle of ours:)

Sue Penn said...

Amazing!!! What beautiful props!! I love it.

Gale said...

Very cool. Our church is doing Rome this year. Would you mind if I pin some of these pictures on the idea board I'm using on Pinterest (http://pinterest.com/galel/vbs-rome/)? I'd like to pin your entry, aquaduct, cave (the one without the kids in it) and maybe some of your stones (again--I'll avoid pictures with kiddos in them).

Please let me know. Ecarian at yahoo dot com