Thursday, January 29, 2009

Good ole PA for all YOU GUYS out there


skier1998 said...

This is too funny. Although I haven't lived in PA... had a lot of family that lived there... and some of the items on the list have seeped up into NY. How are "you guys" doing, by the way? (I use that phrase waaaay too much out here!)

Anonymous said...

I don't get it....doesn't everyone know these things:) !!!!!

Aaron H. said...

I am not from PA, but this is very true.

Anonymous said...

PA (1986 - 1998)

Anonymous said...

That is so funny. Blake keeps asking me if I'm laughing. I'm so glad that I learned somewhere along the way that "dippy eggs" were "overlight" or "overmedium". It probably wasn't until I was a waitress in my mid-teens. How about, "are you going with?" Drives Philip crazy.