Saturday, March 13, 2010

Kenwood Kidz welcomes you to Narnia

Such a fun theme....was amazed at how even the youngest children picked up lessons to be learned from the story of "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe." The Kids loved the entire story and all of the activities. The staff did too!

I told the story with a very small amount of visuals. However, one of the three year old girls, who obviously can't read, recognized a book at the library as being about Narnia and the lion! Such a bright child that little Elizabeth Miles!! =)


Charity said...

What a fun idea!! I have loved the Narnia series for years. Thanks for sharing! :)

Beth Stetler said...

looks great!

Kimberly said...

very, very cool Charlotte!

Kimberly said...

When I grow up I want to be just like you!

sarahmfry said...

Oh I LOVE this! I wanna come to your services...and I wish my kids could come, too.

I was so excited to read that you are speaking at IHC! I can't wait to hear you. (You are one of my heroes, you know.)