Thursday, October 16, 2008

O Is He Ever Happy!!!

For those of you who do not know my vanilla man very well, you may not understand this post.
It doesn't matter.
Last night the Phillies took the last win needed to land themselves in the World Series.
It's been 15 years since the last World Series event where they played against the Toronto Blue Jays and ...lost. (My Canadian side of the family rejoiced -- even had the audacity to call and "check" on Dave! HAHA) Now it their chance to redeem themselves. Of course the players have changed...gone is Schmidt, Dalton, and Dykstra and thankfully Wild Thing Mitch Williams -- I lost my fingernails when he was called into pitch!
I have no clue who is on the team now but they are good!!
You see, when I married Dave I also said, "I do" to the Phillies, Eagles, Flyers and Seventy-Sixers. My dear man loves his Phillie teams and although there is a smat following of the Reds and Bengals it is, to say the least, a VERY good time to be a Phillie Fan.
I could chaff under his enjoyment of the Phillies and listening to games or sports talk while falling to sleep almost every night. Instead, I choose to "enjoy" it with him, most of the time.


Anonymous said...

Go Phillies!!!!

Vonnie said...

Hahaha! I don't even know WHO is playing what!

Dorcas said...

I'm originally from Lancaster County and that's not far from Philly!! So, I'm also a Phillies fan. The only thing is that they may end up in the World Series with Tampa Bay and that's where my son is stationed with the Air Force. I've been rooting for them, too. I may be in trouble! ha!!