Sunday, October 26, 2008

Prasiser Season Has Begun

Kevin Moser, our Number One Booster Fan, holds the trophy we took
home from the Week-end Tournament in Radcliff, KY.

Anthony warms up before the ended up that we lost to this team which ranked us Second place. It was a heart wrenching game with David being fouled out by a bad call on the ref's part (this is fact - not mom's point of view -- even the other team of whom I was sitting next too, commented on it!). I was so proud of him as he walked off the court, a very unhappy young man, but very much in control of his emotions and tongue. That was his shining moment in my book!

Alicia and Brittany in a "bump" session at basketball half time. I never did get good pics of the girls volleyball team. They placed 4th out of 6. This was their first time to play as a newly formed team as only Alicia and Christi were "old" members from previous years. We had every reason to win but didn't quite get it pulled off. Next time.

David was a part of the all star team and honored with a medal.

The 2008-09 Praiser Team.

Good Job Boys!


Anonymous said...

Go Praisers! Hope it's a winning season for both basketball & volleyball!

Anonymous said...

Good for David on having such a great attitude!